Learn the secrets!
Are you a professional photographer who is struggling with particular newborn poses or perhaps is having difficulty settling a restless or more awake baby?
Or maybe you are an enthusiast amateur who is looking to take up newborn photography professionally? Would you love to learn some of those amazing posing and wrapping secrets? If you answered yes to any of those questions then one of my training days will be just what you are looking for.
Throughout my training day(s) I will be giving you the top tips and tricks for getting sleepy babies and how to carry out a session safely.
Unlike most other types of photography, newborn photography is one of those niches that require utmost patience, skill sets and high levels of safety precautions. Newborns are delicate and need so much care when you are dealing with them so training is of paramount importance when considering newborn photography.
Understanding and seeing first hand how to hold and pose the newborn will make all the difference to your sessions. You will feel confident within yourself as a photographer and the parents will have confidence and trust in you with the safety of their baby.

I have a wealth of knowledge and experience in the world of newborn photography, having worked in this specialist field for over 12 years now, and am offering you to be able to learn some of my techniques in my 1-2-1 newborn training.
I will also share which posing tools, equipment and accessories I use to achieve certain poses and styles.
I am so happy to be able to share that expertise with you too
Newborn 1-2-1 Photography Training
ALL of this is Included:
Baby safety
Preparing the room for your newborn session
Camera and lighting equipment and settings
Fabrics and props
Basic wrapping techniques
Camera angles
A real newborn baby for up to 3 hours
Use your own camera to take photos to use in your portfolio
Refreshments break
Practice with stand-in baby
Recommended Suppliers and vendors
On-going assistance after your training day
(Day 2) Basic editing in Lightroom and Photoshop
(Day 2) Business and online Marketing
2 day training includes the following (worth over £100)
15 actions to assist with newborn skin editing and image finishing
Background smoothing action
Free texture
The morning is the practical session with a real scrummy newborn model and then once the family has left the studio we will be using my Stand-in-Baby, a fantastic custom-designed tool, so you will get plenty of hands-on practice wrapping and using different angles to create a gallery etc.
I will spend some time in the afternoon answering any questions you may have and on day two I will guide you through editing a couple of images together with showing you my usual Lightroom/Photoshop workflow.
Full day of newborn training – £475
2 day newborn training - £375
A retainer of £175 can be paid to secure your date, with the balance due 2 weeks prior to your training date.